About Arabi Manor

Arabi Manor Metaphysical Shoppe is Rebel Satori Press’s collection of custom blended magickal oilssoaps & bathswashesincenseroots & herbs, and other esoteric ephemera. In addition, we carry a diverse selection of bookstarot decksoracles cards, and spiritual supplies.

Growing up along the Maine coast could be quite isolating. Mail order catalogs such as those issued by the Magickal Childe and Enchantments were a lifeline to a world of magick and the esoteric. Continuing that tradition, we present a carefully curated selection of books, supplies, and associated resources to support the seeker.

Our line of purpose oils feature own versions based on classic formulae and associations. Many are based on recipes collected by Herman Slater and included in his Magickal Formulary and once sold at his legendary New York City shoppe The Magickal Childe. Others are traditional New Orleans’ formulas or draw inspiration from the spiritual topography of the Crescent City.

Arabi Manor Metaphysical Shoppe is based just downriver from New Orleans in the historic village of Arabi.

You may also find our blog about the renovation of the manor itself, the Refuge.