The Legend of the Yule Cat
Jólakötturinn, also known as the Yule Cat, is a magical creature from Icelandic folklore with an enduring presence in the country’s Christmas traditions. The Yule…
Jólakötturinn, also known as the Yule Cat, is a magical creature from Icelandic folklore with an enduring presence in the country’s Christmas traditions. The Yule…
Excerpt from Breeding Devils in Chaos by Sven Davisson The festival of Samhain (pronounced sow-in) in Irish and Scottish Gaelic; Calan Gaeaf in Wales; Kalan…
In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in the intersection of LGBTQIA+ identities and the practice of witchcraft. As a result, a…
Holy Month The September full moon marks the feast day of what the Anglo-Saxons referred to as Hāliġmōnaþ or “Holy Month.” It coincides with the…
This post covers a powerful method for creating and empowering talismans based on astrological and planetary influences. Talismans have been used for centuries as tools…
The Powerful SATOR Spell for Manifestation Have you ever wished for a magical formula to help you manifest your desires and goals? Look no further,…
What people are saying: “I can’t put it down. It’s exactly what I was hoping for.” “It’s like traditional witchcraft had sex with postmodernism and…
The Feast of First Fruits is a festival we celebrate in early August. It marks the beginning of the harvest season, particularly the first wheat…
Excerpts from Breeding Devils in Chaos: The United Rite The time around the longest day of the year is a period for honoring the sun…
The Simple Magick of Wild Things Foreword by Jake Richards, author of Backwoods Witchcraft “I am a southern male wytch, deep fried and dirt grown. Growing…